Wednesday, May 30, 2018

New Plantar Wart - 2 years later

It has been about 2 years since I successfully got rid of my plantar wart but today I have a new one.  It's on the same foot but in a different location.  I called the same podiatrist and made an appointment and today is the day. 

Here's a picture of the wart before I go to the office: 

Same experience as last time.  The entire visit with the Dr. lasts about 5 minutes.  He comes in, says hello and asks what's going on today.  I show him my wart and he immediately opens up a cabinet and gets the razor tool out and trims off the top of the wart.  Opens a drawer and gets the bottle of Cantharone (Blister Beetle liquid) and then applies a small drop to the wart and puts a Band-Aid on it.  Here's a picture of the bottle of Cantharone from the Dr. office: 

After applying the Band-Aid, he tells me to leave it on for 8 hours and then wash it off with soap and water.  He informs me that it may hurt for the next few days as the blister forms and that I need to come back in 1 week and he will remove the blister and check to see that the wart is gone. 
I'll post a 24 hour picture tomorrow morning.

After 9 hours, I removed the Band-Aid and washed my foot.  You can see the cantharone on the Band-Aid:

Surprisingly, it did not hurt until about 24 hours after the treatment.  Here is the picture after 24 hours: 

Not the best picture but it is tender and painful if I stand and put pressure on it. 

Here is day 3: 

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